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to the GP Movement!

We are a global community of people who follow Jesus and join him on the adventure of advancing his kingdom.

We believe Jesus is raising up a generation of Gospel Patrons, who have been saved by grace and respond by stepping into the good works God has prepared for us. (Ephesians 2:8-10)


to the GP Movement!

We are a global community of people who follow Jesus and join Him on the adventure of advancing His kingdom. We invite you to come with us.

How do I get involved?

Here are 5 next steps:


Host a
Film Night

Your friends. Your church. Your city.
They need to hear this message.

Bring your people together.

Play a film. Start a conversation.

Learn More

Host a
Film Night

Explore Books

Read and
Share Books

Explore Books
Watch the Trailer

Experience our

Watch the Trailer

Subscribe to our
GP Newsletter


Subscribe to our
GP Newsletter

Let's Connect

Join the Movement

Our team would love to connect with you, hear your story, and let you know if we ever host an event near you.

Let's Connect
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We’ve Been There

This movement was launched by a few friends who were hungry for more than the American Dream.

We started off as sales reps, accountants, artists, filmmakers, math teachers, email marketers, and physical therapists. We know the challenge of showing up to work every day and asking: “What’s it all for?”

Over the last decade, God has taken us on a journey to learn from Scripture, history, and incredible people today who are seeking Jesus’ kingdom amidst their careers. We want to share what we’ve learned and help you take your next steps.

Not quite sure which step is right for you?

Reach out to [email protected] and we’ll direct you to the right place.