Hello, I’m…

Hi, I’m John Sleeting. I am an Executive Partner in a multi-family office wealth management firm. My wife Melissa and I have been married since 1990 and have three wonderful adult children, twin daughters both married with kids of their own and one son.  We have been blessed to live on a heavily wooded property in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. Melissa and I enjoy being in God’s creation and the tangible stewardship of it through cultivating and caring for nature.


God’s Generosity

I believe God is generous. For our redemption God gave his only son, Jesus Christ. It makes me think of my own son who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and his willingness to put himself in harm’s way in order to defend the defenseless, and protect those serving with him, and as a father I couldn’t be any more proud of my son. This gives me a small glimpse into our Heavenly Father’s love, that for our salvation he would give his own son to pay the price for our sins. God is generous. He gives us what we don’t deserve… grace.



I have discovered that the financial topic is a spiritual topic. When I began my career in wealth management, I was trusted with the intimate details of people’s financial lives. The decisions some of the families I served were making convicted, inspired, and challenged me. I enjoy making money by bringing my best to the work that I do, but I am not motivated by that alone. Making money enables me to make other investments in building God’s kingdom. My giving began as obedience, but it has become a great joy. Jesus is right: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)


Dangers of Wealth

As a Wealth Manager, I’m invited into deep personal relationships with individuals and families and I believe the primary danger of money is making money the goal. When wealth becomes our objective it becomes our idol. It possesses our hearts and we don’t even know it because most people will discuss religion and politics before they discuss their finances.


Treasuring Jesus

My background includes being directly involved with the management of multi-billion dollar budgets and financial portfolios. The opportunity for growth in ego, pride, achievement and success was real and I thought I was immune to it. However, it took the financial crisis of 2008-2009 for God to get my attention. rnrnMy employer wanted me to move to the east coast, but we decided long ago that we weren’t going to move to chase jobs and money. Therefore, God used my employer’s ultimatum (move or else) to get my attention and force me to make a choice. rnrnGod then prompted me to accept an offer to join the firm where I was a client. For me this has been an amazing opportunity to use my education and experiences to serve Jesus and his kingdom, his people, and his purposes.


I Wish I Knew…

Our children are all in their late twenties and when I was their age I wish I believed that God is sovereign over all. That means my time, my talents and my treasure are not mine at all. They’re God’s. I am a steward called to do what is best with God’s resources. So I must turn to Scripture to learn from God’s perspective what he thinks is best. I’ve learned that we are charged with the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. To make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded and to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. This frames how I approach each day, striving to give my best in all that I do to honor the God who gave his best, his only son, for me.


My Routine

Over the last three years, the most powerful routine Melissa and I have had is to be in a rich and deep Bible study with two other couples. Having the discipline of being in God’s word, plus engaging as a couple has enriched our marriage. The depth of relationship with these other couples too has been life-giving as we focus on the word first and foremost. We challenge, encourage, and learn from one another.


Giving Decisions

We each have different spiritual gifts and there are many ministries and works to be accomplished to further God’s Kingdom. What’s important to us is an ongoing listening to God’s promptings of where to give. Good giving requires discernment and this comes out of relationship with God. rnrnI believe we are called to resource the whole spectrum of church needs, especially those of us with the gift of giving. This is our way to honor God with our unique giftedness.


My Mission

I’ve found much richness in the depth of 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Paul tells Timothy to command people to do good, be rich in good deeds, generous and willing to share. It’s a command to use our time, talent, and treasure for God and others. We are stewards. God owns it all. Our responsibility is to pursue what we believe the owner wants us to do with his stuff. This has to be the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. This is how we take hold of life that is truly the life, the life God intended.


3 Words

Three words I would want to sum up my life: God-Honoring Life


© 2016 John Rinehart